Technologically Enhanced Naturally occurring Radioactive Materials
At present time, eight (8) states have issued NORM/TENORM specific licensing regulations, with multiple other states in the process of adopting radiation protection standards for NORM/TENORM licensing and releasing of facilities/sites for unrestricted use. NAC Philotechnics, Ltd. provides the following comprehensive solutions to minimize your risks.
  • Disposal / Recycle/ Reuse
  • Hydrocarbon and Liquid Waste Solidification
  • Materials, Equipment, Instrumentation, Facility, and Site Decontamination
  • Handling, Packaging, and Transportation
  • Site Reclamation / Demolition / Excavation / License Termination / Release for Unrestricted Use
  • Radiological Employee Awareness Training
NAC Philotechnics, Ltd. possesses multiple mobile Radioactive Materials Licenses for deployment at licensed, unlicensed, or under-licensed sites/facilities for decontamination, waste characterization, packaging and treatment activities. NAC Philotechnics. Ltd. has extensive experience in the management of accumulated NORM/TENORM waste to allow the most cost-effective solution for your NORM/TENORM waste needs. In addition, we offer a full array of Health Physics and Radiation Protection services including licensing, training, program development, audits, assessments, and radiological characterization and release for unrestricted use surveys. We are your one-stop shop for all NORM/TENORM services.
Contact Us
Michael Brisbin Miller
Director of Business Development
Phone: 724-480-7592
Radiological & D&D Services
Ken Gavlik
VP Radiological Services
Phone: 865-816-8495
Waste Management & Brokerage Services
Meghan Turvey
VP Waste Management
Phone: 865-285-3064
General Inquiries
Corporate Office:
201 Renovare Blvd
Oak Ridge, TN 37830


Phone: 865-483-1551
Main Fax: 865-220-0686

San Diego Office:
7945 Dunbrook Road, Suite H, San Diego, CA 92126

Phone: 858-586-2580
Fax: 858-586-2597